Market Power in Credit Markets (with Tzuo Hann Law and Jaromir Nosal). January 2023. Revise and resubmit, AEJ: Macroeconomics
On the Dynamics of Firm Employment and Output (with Jesper Bagger, Francois Fontaine and Ija Trapeznikova). In progress
Vacancies, Hires and Separations: Evidence from Matched Vacancy-Employer-Employee Data (with Jesper Bagger). In progress
Regulatory Intervention in Consumer Financial Markets: The Case of Credit Cards (with Alessandro Gavazza). Journal of the European Economic Association, 2022, volume 20 (5), 1897-1932
Vacancies, Employment Outcomes and Firm Growth: Evidence from Denmark (with Jesper Bagger, Francois Fontaine and Ija Trapeznikova). Labour Economics, 2022, vol. 75. Leading article
Referral Networks and Inequality Economic Journal, 2021, vol. 131, 271-301.
A Structural Model of the Market for Illicit Drugs (with Alessandro Gavazza). American Economic Review, 2017, vol. 107 (3), 858-896
The Challenge of Trade Adjustment in Greece (with Costas Arkolakis and Aristos Doxiadis), in Costas Meghir, Christopher Pissarides, Dimitri Vayanos, Nikos Vettas (eds) Beyond Austerity: Reforming the Greek Economy, MIT Press, 2017
In Greek: Η πρόκληση της προσαρμογής του εμπορικού ισοζυγίου της Ελλάδας, με τους Κώστα Αρκολάκη και Αρίστο Δοξιάδη (διαφάνειες).
The Greek Crisis: Origins and Implications, Crisis Observatory Research Paper, January 2015.
In Greek: Η ελληνική κρίση: αίτια και επιπτώσεις, Παρατηρητήριο για την κρίση, Ιανουάριος 2015
In German: Die Ursacher der griechischen Wirtschaftskrise: Eine europaische Perspektive, in Ulf-Dieter Klemm and Wolfgang Schultheiss (eds) Die Krise in Griechenland, Campus Verlang, Frankfurt am Main, 2015
Hiring through Referrals. Journal of Economic Theory, 2014, vol. 152, 304-323
Learning About Match Quality and the Use of Referrals. Review of Economic Dynamics, 2013,vol. 16, 668-690
A Search-Theoretic Model of the Retail Market for Illicit Drugs (with Rosalie Pacula and Nicola Persico). Review of Economic Studies, 2012, vol. 79, 1239-1269
On the Game-Theoretic Foundations of Competitive Search Equilibrium (with Philipp Kircher). International Economic Review, 2012, vol. 53 (1), 1-21. Leading article
Market Power and Efficiency in a Search Model (with Philipp Kircher and Gabor Virag). Technical Appendix. International Economic Review, 2011, vol. 52 (1), 85-103
Discussion of "Money, Bargaining and Risk Taking" by Nicolas Jaquet and Serene Tan. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 2011, vol. 43 (s2), 443-448
The Retail Market for Illicit Drugs. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics, July 2010 (2nd Edn, Edited by L. Blume and S. Durlauf)
Directed Search with Multiple Job Applications (with Philipp Kircher). Journal of Economic Theory, 2009, vol. 133 (2), 445-471. Leading article
A Model of Money with Multilateral Matching (with Philipp Kircher). Journal of Monetary Economics, 2008, vol. 55, 1054-1066